
Authors are invited to submit a draft paper of at least 4 up to 6 pages in PDF format on one of the IRS topics listed under Aims & Scope using the electronic submission system.
Please use the IRS 2025 template.

The first page of the submitted draft paper should include:

  • Paper title
  • Name(s) of author(s)
  • Organisation / Company
  • E-mail address

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
Note: 6 -8 pages are required for the proceedings of IEEE reviewed full papers.

A Young Scientists Prize of EUR 1,000 will be awarded to early-stage researchers under the age of 30 for the best contribution. Participants must confirm their eligibility during draft paper submission.

Organizers of Special Sessions with timely topics not included in the list of regular subjects are kindly requested submit a proposal with their suggested topic and planned presentations before 11 October 2024 using the proposal form which can be found at : Special Session Proposal Form

Important Deadlines
Special session proposals11 October2024
Draft paper submission20 December2024
Author notifications3 March2025
Final paper submission25 April2025
  • A Young Scientists Prize of EUR 1,000 will be awarded to early-stage researchers under the age of 30 for the best contribution. Participants must confirm their eligibility during draft paper submission.
Aims & Scope

The International Radar Symposium aims to provide a forum for both academic and industrial professionals in radar from all over the world and to bring together academicians, researchers, engineers, system analysts, graduate and undergraduate students with government and non-government organizations to share and discuss both theoretical and practical knowledge. We invite everybody to submit outstanding and valuable original research papers and participate in the technical exhibition during the conference.

The scope of the symposium includes, but is not limited to the following major topics.
During submission, authors are requested to indicate which main topic is addressed by their contribution, Conference subjects include:

  • Multi-Channel and Array Processing
  • Adaptive Signal Processing / including STAP
  • SAR / ISAR Imaging
  • Digital Waveforms
  • Compressive Sensing
  • Cognitive Radar
  • Passive, Bistatic and Multi-Static Radar
  • Forward Scattering Radar
  • HF and Over-the-Horizon Radar (OTHR) and Surface Wave Radar (SWR)
  • Millimeter Wave and THz Radar
  • MIMO Radar
  • UWB and Noise Radar
  • Multi-Platform and Multi-Functional RF Systems (MPRFS and MFRFS)
  • Radar Networks and Enabling Technologies
  • Integrated Communications and Sensing
  • Ground / Airborne / Spaceborne Radar
  • Radar Remote Sensing
  • Automotive and Maritime Radar
  • Weather Radar
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Through-the-Wall Radar and Nearfield Techniques
  • Industrial and Emerging Applications
  • Localisation and Tracking
  • Ground Moving Target Indication
  • Sensor Data Fusion
  • Knowledge-Aided Tracking, Localisation and Fusion
  • Antennas, Arrays and Beamforming
  • Propagation of Radar Signals
  • Polarimetric Radar / Radar Polarimetry
  • Radar and Clutter Modelling
  • Intelligent Surfaces

Organizers of Special Sessions with timely topics not included in the list of regular subjects must submit a proposal with their suggested topic and planned presentations before 11 October 2024 using this proposal form:

Special Session Proposal Form

Please send this Form to: dgon.bonn(at)